A Seasonal Dance
On 14 acres in the hill and coulee country above the Mississippi River in southeastern Minnesota, a seasonal dance with the forces of nature takes place. Earthen Path Organic Farm weathers the storms, continues to flourish, and produces organic fruits and vegetables that connect the cycles of planting and harvesting with local tables. Earthen Path Organic Farm also raises chickens.
In an effort to recreate connections to the land, that have been severed and forgotten, Steven Schwen and Susan Draves-Schwen, owners and operators of Earthen Path Organic Farm, are involved in an innovative and creative approach to farming in an era dominated by the industrial model. The farm is certified organic and is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) venture. Members share in the bounty of this scenic piece of farmland, and also share in the risks that are involved in farming using natural methods.
The farming methods used on Earthen Path Organic Farm are unique for several reasons. Crops are grown using permaculture and annual cropping strategies. Through the use of cover cropping of many different species of plant, and solar and wind power as primary power sources, Earthen Path Organic Farm actually rebuilds and enriches the soil and replenishes vital nutrients to the plants. In an effort to use as little fossil fuel and non-renewable energy sources as possible, draft horses are a common sight in the fields. “We incorporate poultry, sheep, and horses to create a holistic, diverse system,” said Steven.
Fostering Consciousness
The philosophy of a holistic and diverse system also extends to involvement with the Full Circle Organic Grower’s Cooperative. The aim of this cooperative is to support other small organic growers in the area and the larger organic grower’s movement as a whole. Steven and Susan are also involved with local community events and activities. By sponsoring a community outreach program with music, theatre, and practical workshops called Folk Forum, Steven and Susan have been instrumental in fostering consciousness about community building and about sustainable agriculturein southeastern Minnesota.
Another key element to Earthen Path Organic Farm is the internship program. There are 3 to 6 internships available from April 1 to November 1, and one or two internships available from November to April. Interns learn all aspects of growing fruit, vegetable, and herb crops – including:
* planting,
* cultivation,
* biological insect control,
* companion crops,
* cover cropping strategies,
* harvest and marketing through CSA model,
* farmers markets and
* delivery to co-op retail stores.
Interns also take turns with animal husbandry and chores. The lessons learned as a participant in the internship program at Earthen Path Organic Farm are invaluable for anyone interested in farming in a healthy and environmentally friendly manner.
Sustainable Farming
One part of the CSA is the chance for members to visit the farm and take part in a days work. Steven and Susan encourage anyone interested to stop by and say hello. Visitors can also pick their own strawberries, raspberries, and apples at designated times.
By making it possible for people to understand what is involved in the growing of the food that is on their table and allowing them to participate in the process, bonds are created that strengthen the local community and the local economy as well. Earthen Path Organic Farm is a great example of the committed efforts of local farmers to foster the development of a sense of community among growers and producers alike. Whether it is through the purchase of produce, eggs, or chickens, or through music, theatre or workshops, Steven and Susan are deeply involved in the lives of those around them and the life of the earth they farm. Through new and innovative methods, Earthen Path Organic Farm is an example for others to follow.